Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ocean Capital Group teams with HOEM in pursuit of San Diego County REO's.

Ocean Capital Group, LLC (OCG) and Home Owner Equity Management, Inc (HOEM) have recently teamed upin an effort to capitalize on an overall slowing real estate market. While the two entities remain separate fromone another, they complement each other rather nicely.
While both companies Deal with nationwide bulk REO pools, they also both have clients looking for So, CA. specific REO pools. Among those clients are a handful that have been more specific in requesting San Diego County only. The fact that OCG and HOEM are both in the hub of Southern California helps out as well.

The REO business has had an adrenalin shot with the nation-wide real estate slow down; but was that shot an overdose? It may have been.... There are real estate agents and brokers all over the place claiming to be direct to the bank / seller / compiler / etc, etc, as well as claiming to be direct with buyers. Rarely will these claims prove to be true; this is another reason that OCG and HOEM decided to team up.

The officers / principles alone have nearly 50 years in the real estate investment business. Along with that came accidental as well as intentional relationships on the direct buying end as well as the direct selling end. The President of Ocean Capital Group in particular was in the REO business back in the 1980's.

In addition to REO's, Ocean Capital Group is also involved in several large scale commercial projects. Most recently, a $200,000,000.00 venture capital loan and a $40 Billion international deal is in progress.

Until next time,

Justin Davis
Ocean Capital Group