Thursday, October 25, 2007

Is the "Bulk REO Business" Real...? Tell us what you think!

I'm fortunate enough to have been partnered with a gentleman (for several years now) who was doing REO's back in the late 1980's when I was only 3-5 years old. Hence, we already had The "Direct Contacts" when this recent REO thing started, and from what I can see there are a lot of misconseptions out there....

First of all, If, and I repeat, if, you could get your hands on a $200,000,000.00 pool, the fees would most likely be 1% and not 3%, which is still plenty of money. However, some guy who was most likely doing SFR properties one at a time just 3-6 months ago, and has a email, isn't going to have that buyer or seller!

We work very hard to do these deals and we are very happy to close 1-3 deals a month for anywhere between $10 - $50MM total. That's the real situation; and that's a lot of money, even at 1-2%.

Furthermore.... People that have $200MM+ to spend or have a $200MM+ pool to sell aren't going to be on any type of forum trying to do so. Also, all of these $200MM, $500MM, and up into the $Billion dollar pools (maybe) aren't going to be handed out to people as if it were candy to a 5-year old on Halloween. Remember, $1-Billion = (1,000 x 1,000,000); not exactly chicken scratch!

If people would just use their common sense it's very easy to see why most are getting jerked around in this "REO GAME". That being said, I wish all the best at success in their endeavors, but I will give one last piece of advice.... If you're working on aquiring and closing that $200,000,000.00 pool, you'd better get a second job.


Unknown said...

i'm going to respond to this officially in about a week or two... but i'm currently working on deals ranging from 500M - 2T and all pts of the deal are going smoothly. so, i will find out soon enough if the bulk REO business is real. doesn't hurt that i'm dirrectly connected to the source. so we'll just see if the buyer side of things pan out.

Unknown said...

i'm going to respond to this officially in about a week or two... but i'm currently working on deals ranging from 500M - 2T and all pts of the deal are going smoothly. so, i will find out soon enough if the bulk REO business is real. doesn't hurt that i'm dirrectly connected to the source. so we'll just see if the buyer side of things pan out.

Justin Davis said...

Hello Southern,

Please contact me if you believe you truly are direct to the source. We have several buyers ready to go. We WILL NOT bring a buyer to the table unless they have hard copy proofed with us in advance